M Asuncin Yez Prez was born in Santiago de Compostela, and began his first steps on the hand painting of the famous painter Elvira Santiso. After a long parenthesis in which travels through several cities in Hispanoamrica, resumed his work with the painter artistic XosCobas Corus. Formation completes its work as a painter to read several years in a painting workshop led by the painter Compostela Fifth Martelo. - Receive Joyeray first prize Gold Medal by the School of Arts and Crafts Maestro Mateo Santiago de Compostela in the year 1991. - Has participated in numerous group exhibitions as a painter to read and as enamels. Performed in March 1991, his first individual exhibition in the Real Club Nautico de Vigo. - There are pieces and designs of jewels in the IV lounge of Galicia's Jewelry Corua. - Participate in the collective exhibition of enamels Savings Bank in the boat Orense supporters in November 1991. - Leos and enamel exposed to the Provincial Council of Lugo in December 1991. - Exhibits oil paintings and enamels in Building File Liceo de Betanzos in March 1992 - Collective Exhibition at Hotel Araguaney glazes of Santiago de Compostela in November 1992. - Exhibition of oil paintings and enamels in the art room of the Caja de Ahorros de Pontevedra in September 1993. - Exhibition of oil paintings and enamels in the XXI Festa do salmon in the Estrada in May 1994. - Exhibition of oil paintings and enamels in the Royal Aero Club of Santiago de Compostela, in December 1996. - Collective Exhibition at the Cultural Center of Boiro in May 2001. - Exhibition of oil paintings at the Royal Aero Club of Santiago de Compostela, in December 2001. - Collective Exhibition at the Cultural Center of Boiro in March 2004. - Collective Exhibition in the hall of Villagarca Antonio Rivas Briones de Arosa in July-August 2005. - Individual Exhibition of oil paintings in the Hall of Cambados Regional Centre in December 2005. - Individual Exhibition of oil paintings in the Artisans Center of Santiago de Compostela in November 2006 - Individual Exhibition of oil paintings in JosLorenzo Galera, exhibition space of the Hotel Puerta del Camino, May 2007 - exhibition No collective Royal Aero Club of Santiago de Compostela, in March 2008.